Trash houses are provided in every court for regular household garbage.  All trash should be bagged and placed inside the dumpsters!   DO NOT place items on the ground, if for some reason your dumpster is full, please take your trash to a dumpster in another court.

PROHIBITED:  Large items (such as mattresses, furniture, construction debris) are not permitted in the dumpster or trash houses. If you place your prohibited items in the trash houses you can be fined.

If you need a place to dump such items we request you haul them to the local landfill or recycling center or call the office for more help.  You can also issue a service request (CLICK HERE) to have the maintenance team pick an item up for you.  The cost is $20.00 payable to them at the time of the service.

Pick-up Days are:      Tuesday & Friday

Was the trash missed in your court today: CLICK HERE TO REPORT A TRASH SERVICE PROBLEM


Recycling bins are located in the clubhouse parking lot, the south pool parking lot, and on E. Jefferson Place between T and U courts. Trash & Recycling Guidelines can be found on the HBS website here